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2024 MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference Recap


Planning is underway for 2023

Published on 12/21/2022

We've been busy planning for 2023 and here's a quick look at what's coming up:

EPR for Packaging in the Works – The MRN Legislative Committee, headed up by Chaz Miller, has been working closely with MD Delegate Love and Senator Augustine to come up with an EPR model that could work in our state. Key issues on which we’re focused include ensuring local control of materials processing, fair and sustainable revenue sharing, accommodation for subscription-based residential as well as commercial recycling programs, and inclusion of a comprehensive needs assessment. We have recommended the establishment of a workgroup in the spring of next year to address these issues and produce a bill for 2024 that will truly meet the needs of all stakeholders while achieving the EPR goals of securing funding for local recycling programs and protecting our environment.

*Learn more about our legislative efforts here.

Would you like to help plan the 2023 conference program? Program planning for next year’s conference starts in January. Let us know by email if you’d like to participate. We’ll be holding a handful of one-hour calls every other week beginning Friday, January 20. All you need to bring are your interest and ideas!

Mark your calendar for our 2023 programs:
•    January 26 – EPA National Recycling Grants Update (webinar)
•    February 23 – Maryland Markets Update (webinar)
•    March 30 – Re-Use Options in Maryland (webinar)
•    April 27 – The Fourth R: Don’t Waste Durham (webinar)
•    June 12 – MRN/SWANA Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference

In other industry news:

Grants for Polystyrene Recycling – Fayette County, Pennsylvania received a $49,000 grant from the Foodservice Packaging Institute’s Foam Recycling Coalition (FRC) to add a foam densifier system to the drop-off center to recycle foam polystyrene including cups, plates, egg cartons, takeout clamshells, and electronics packaging. The grant supports the purchase of a Foam Cycle system that densifies PS foam into foam ingots at a compaction ratio of 90:1, removing 98% of the air from the loose material. Visit to learn more about foam recycling, read about previous recipients, or apply for a grant.

Recycled Rubber Coalition White Paper – The Recycled Rubber Coalition has released a white paper that includes its policy priorities to manage tire waste responsibly. Recommendations include actions such as: increase research funding, codify environmental standards, establish preference in federal purchasing, create tax incentives for equipment and facilities, and implement new tire fees. You can find the report at

Happy Holidays! See you next year!!

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